Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fantabulous nite with Anuar Zain!

Whaow... it's been quite some time since I went to AZ's Live show... tunggu Secretary's Week last year takde, masa Raya pun tak buat & then tak de nya lah nak pergi Singapore... Masa kat Felda tu pun, AZ tak turun stage because of the controversies...

But last Friday nite was awesome!! He was in his element & sang all the nice (love) songs.... Lagipun tak ramai sangat so it was really more "intimate" in that sense.... hmmmmm dont get me wrong though!!

Unfortunately, I bawak camera but found out later that the battery kong-ed out on me. So I was dependent on other partners in crime (Che La, Mint & KC) for photos & videos... so I dont have any to share here... but if I can upload any of his performance (courtesy of Che La) I'll do just that.....

In summary........ Excellent performance!!! Bravo!!!!

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