Tuesday, July 17, 2007

If you love someone....

"If you love someone, let him/her go,
if (s)he comes back, then you know that (s)he loves you forever"

Is that how the saying goes?
I have 2 questions though....

1) If you let him/ her go but the other party refuses to do so but at the same time toy with another, what is that called?
2) IF (caps, mind you) ever (s)he comes back and it's a little bit too late... what's a value in it? How long does it take to "come back"?

I've read articles and stories that describe the above incidences and very sad to say that not only one party is already sacrificing his/her feelings... but (s)he is also given second-hand treatment. Isnt that enough!

Funny sometimes that people can appreciate a friend with appreciative remarks or even a simple word of thanks... but sometimes forget to appreciate the ones (supposedly) very close to the heart - the family. I tend to do that, unfortunately, but will try to "make it out" when I can.

In any case, I feel that if you love and care for someone, what matters most is the ACTION bit.... you have to SHOW that you love and care for someone rather than SAY that you do. What do you think?

We normally take things for granted but realize only when we have "lost it"... and then comes the regret part of it.

Lost times are never going to be recalled and what happens after that period will not be as sweet as it could have been the first time... or is it? Of course, things happen for a reason and there's always a blessing in disguise.... we just cannot see it the first time, maybe.

But in all that we do, have faith in Allah coz HE definitely knows what's best for you.... and how much you can handle...

Surah A-Baqarah ayat 286: Allah tidak memberati seseorang melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya. Dia mendapat pahala kebaikan yang diusahakannya dan dia juga menanggung dosa kejahatan yang diusahakannya.

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